
2023-05-08 15:04:43



高中英语《Unit1 Cultural relics》

  一、The General Idea of This Period:

  This period ai.ms at training students’ two skills - understanding general idea and gettingdetailed information by getting familiar with tones and intonation in spoken English and learmningto grasp the key words to help the students to finish the relative exercises.Also in this periodstudents can meet the theme of this unit again.

  二、Teaching Aims:

  l.Make sure the students know the usage of tones and intonation in spoken English and graspthe methods of getting the general idea and detailed information.2.Help the Ss learn some key words and expressions.3.Help the students learn how to master the patterns that can be used to describe culturalrelics by listening.

  三、Teaching Important Points:

  l.Make sure the students know the importance of tones in spoken English.2.Help the students learn how to grasp the key words that can help the students to answerquestions.

  四、Teaching Difficult Point:

  How to help the students to improve their listening ability.

  五、Teaching Methods:

  1.Listening-and-answer activity to make the students know the importance of tones in spokenEnglish.

  2.Doing some writing exercises when they are listening to im-prove the students' complexability of English learning.

  六、Teaching Aids:

  A tape recorder, a multi-media computer and a blackboard.

  Teaching Procedu res

  七、Step 1 Revision


  T:Last class we learnt some drills to discuss which person gives the best evidence, and howto express your agreement and disagreement, now I want to ask some students to tell me all thedrills.

  Ask some students to tell the drills , the teacher can write what the students say on theblackboard.

  T: Last class I asked you to write a letter as your homework, now please take it out, I wantto ask some students to read your letters to us.

  Ask some students to read their letters, other students try to find out the mistakes and correctthem.

  八、Step 2 Listening (P41)

  l.Listening for main idea

  T: Listen t.o the tape, try to remember the main idea and some key points of the listeningpassage.

  After the students liste.n for the first time , ask some students to tell some key poi.nts about what they listened, when they are te lling, the teacher write the key points on the blackboard, it canhelp the students to finish the following exercises.

  2.Listening for detailed information

  Listen again to the tape that talks about a temple in Egypt, and then answer the questions onPage 41.

  First, students check their answers each other.Later, the teacher asks some students to readout their answers, and the teac her shows the suggested answers on the screen.

  T:As we know, the Aswan Dam is one of the ancient cultural relics made by the people inthe old times.Now,there are also some well-designed buildings that may become cultural relics inthe future.For example,The Bank of China Building in Hong Kong designed by I M Pei.Do youwant to know the story of the designers? Next, well listen to a tape about I M Pei, a famousarchite.ct.

  九、Step 3 Listening Task ( P44)

  T: Now please listen to the tape, you have three times.At fi rst time, try to get the main ideaand some key points just. like in the last part.At second time , try to finish Exercise 2 on Pag44.At the last time, make some notes about I M Pei's life, and try to finish Exercise I on Page 44.

  After the last time , the teacher gives the students three minutes to make a short dialogueaccording to the notes they took, then ask some pairs to act out their dialogue.

  十、Step 4 Homework

  1.Collect some information about the cultural relics that are in danger.2.Prepare for the next class.

  十一、Step 5 The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard

  Unit I Cultural relics

  Period 5

  get familiar with tones and intonation

  understand general idea

  get detailed information